How to open bank account without pan card
To open a bank account without a pan card you have to follow these steps :
1.Visit bank branch close to you.
2.Request bank executive for a account opening form .
3. On the account opening form, applicants will have to fill in both the parts.
Form 1 - Name, address, signature, various other details and assets.
Form 2 - You will have to fill in this part if you do not have a PAN card.
4. Ensure that all the fields have been entered are correct. The details mentioned in the application form should match those mentioned in the KYC documents that have been submitted.
5. Now,You have to make a initial deposit of Rs 1,000
6. As soon as the bank completes the verification process, the account holder will be granted a free passbook and cheque book.
7.Simultaneously, customers can submit the internet banking form.
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