How to install and use python on android and ios mobile phones in 2022
In the today's world many people wants to learn programming to got the opportunity of more paid jobs or to maintain their business,to became a freelancer. So everyone have to choose a programming language to learn there are hundreds of programming language such as python, java , C#,C++ , rust , JavaScript , HTML , CSS etc.
Python is one of the well known proggrmaming language in the world .it is a very helpful in the sectors of artificial intelligence, game developemet ,app development, web development and machine learning.
Python is usually used for the purpose of making large programes. It has a large number of modules and in-built librairies.
That you can import and use in your programe just because of this you don't need to write basic functions in your programe .Because some specific functions and methods are already written in specific modules .
For example : While making a game you have to just import Pygame module to use pre-built functions and methods which are commonly used while making a game by the developers.
More about Python
Python is very useful in the sectors of artificial intelligence, Ethical Hackung,Machine learning and many more because it has many in buult librairies, modules and methods .It is the most popular computer programming language.
You can create amasing projects by this language. It is easy to understand because it is very similar to English language that everyone knows and use in the world.
You can Run Python in your Mobile phone
Python is a programming language that is generally programmed by using a computer,laptop or console but in some circumstances if the laptop or computer is unavailable such as while travelling and goong on a walk all times you can not carry laptop with you and in such case if you have to access your code or project urgently, so what can you do? At the present time generally everyone has a smartphone and you can run your python code in your smartphoen a device that is always in your pocket and access your code or project while traveling or when you are away from your computer or laptop.
How to run python in your android and iOS
The easiest way to run Python in your android and iOS mobiles is to use an application named Pydroid 3.
Pydroid3 is a Python IDE and compiler for Android and iOS devices It is a lite weight application that supports and run Python programs in the mobile .In the application you can easily access pip and all python modules and librairies.That you use in your computer.
About pydroid3
Pydroid3 is a python programming IDE and compiler that supports python on Android and IOS mobiles.It is a lite weight application in which you can run a whole Python project in your Mobile phone.
The applications has a very clean and good user interface by which user can interact with the application.
In pydroid3 you can write and edit your code in a in-built code editor in the app and run your code by a single touch.In the application installation of modules and libraries is very easy just because the pydroid 3 has a particular section for searching and inatalling modules so you have to just type the module name and tap install button to install the module in your device so you do not need to go to
You can use pip in pydroid 3 by installing a plugin for pydroid to use pip and install modules which is pydroid repository plugin .You can download it here .
In pydroid you can compile almost all mobile based python projects and can use almost all the python modules in the app